bat (DSR sample is in the folder) in the Dual Sheath Redux Patch folder and register it as MO, not cut and paste 7z or rar file into SSE mod folder (let me know if you don't know where this is) 4. The animations focus on making the character appear more proficient with spell casting and make use of a lot of hand gestures during casting. Some want a complete upgrade and overhaul, effectively creating an unofficial sequel with patchwork mods and special tweaks. jar After adding a new mod, run the patcher again.

Combine them into one folder and delete the "meta" files. +016c Frankly HD Nightingale LeanWolfs Better-Shaped Weapons and Dual Sheath Redux Patch 394. 5: Stockings for Slave Tats CBBE: Suleen Feather the Thief's Apprentice (Redguard) Tahlia - A You're going to need the latest zEdit release. +Sexy Vanilla Female Armor for UNP and SevenBase with BBP. It takes enhanced graphics into account while still serving the same purpose as the original mod. Memories of the desert in a hidden valley. Advanced Adversary Encounters - Ultimate SSE is a free program for Windows, belonging to the category 'Utilities'.

Duel Sheath Redux with custom armor: ensure supports DSR check if need a patch, run patcher. Dual Sheath Redux is not compatible UNLESS you use the patcher included in it to change the slot used by Dual Sheath Redux (60) to another one.AWKCR: Armour and Weapon Keywords Community Resource. Run the game and enjoy! If you need extra help to get this mod working, GamerPoets has made a really well done and accurate tutorial video for this mod and it’s required/recommended dependencies.